Jul 26, 2013

Intertribal canoe journey lands in Chinook, Wa.

The tides weren't with those on the intertribal canoe journey today as boats arrived at low tide near Chinook County Park, causing most to have to carry, push and drag their canoes across the mud flats to the boat launch area. The Chinooks on the other hand, chose to pull into the cove off Chinook Point, an easier landing to be sure.


Jul 22, 2013

Jul 18, 2013

Prepping for camp, Long Beach, Wa.

Despite all of this life's worries, problems, crises, and nonsense, I can always rely on my kids to make me smile (playing dead after catching me taking her picture).


Jul 16, 2013

Project Dayshoot +30, Astoria, Or.

Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of Project Dayshoot, where photographers from all around Oregon
documented a day in the life of the state. Yesterday we did it again. More than 150 photographers were asked to document the day, and I was asked to be one of the shooters in Astoria. Because of work I could only shoot for 4.5 hours, but it was a lot of fun, and a really nice day weather-wise. Here are the images I plan to turn in to the project for publication on their website, and consideration for the eventual book. They are presented here in chronological order.

All of the photographers were asked to make a portrait of themselves while doing the dayshoot, here's mine


Jul 13, 2013

Cycles and sand, Long Beach, Rosburg, Wa.

A trip up to the valley this afternoon for the ABATE Wildwood motorcycle rally, which featured lots of bikes, and some interesting games, like the one below, where a female rider on the back of a bike tries to take a bite out of a hot dog while traveling underneath.

Earlier in the day I was on the beach for the beginning of the SandSations sandcastle building contest.