Jun 25, 2008

First salmon ceremony

Watch the audio slideshow HERE

Last Friday I had the opportunity to photograph the annual First Salmon Ceremony of the Chinook Indian Tribe. I've been wanting to shoot this ritual for a while. I missed it last year due to the fact that it was the same day as my sons birth, so I was pretty pleased that it worked out this time around. I get to shoot a couple things with the tribe each year it seems and they are always great, very kind and welcoming.
We used this as the lead in the paper this week, and as per usual, I was up until 2:30 am finishing the audio slideshow for the package. One of these years I swear I'm going to figure out a system for work and home that will allow me to work on this kind of stuff during normal hours... Anyway, I think it came out alright. I like the audio and most of the photos, but I feel like it's missing something. I think it might be too straight up info-related, as there isn't really a storyline per se to hang your hat on as it has essentially a general event coverage feel to me .... IDK, maybe I'm just realllllllly tired? I am pretty stoked over the jumbo sized viewer I'm going with now. On my 15 inch MacBook it's pretty much full screen. Give it a look and let me know,


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