Sep 18, 2009

Back in court

Brian Brush was supposed to be arraigned today so I was back in superior court in South Bend to photograph. The court was considerably fuller this time around, a large group of whom were family and friends of Lisa Bonney — including her eldest daughter Elizabeth, at right. Unfortunately it was a waste of time for all of us in the end as the prosecution asked for and received a two week continuance before arraigning him.

There have been a couple of people who have called and complained to the paper over my photo that ran on the front page of the paper this week of Brush in court on Monday, and I just wanted to say that there was a fair amount of debate as to how to use the photos this week. We decided that we would use the photo of Bonney's memorial at the top of the page, while having Brush's photo, which was the bigger of the two, be split between fold of the paper. We are certainly not trying to be sensational or anything like that, but the fact that he is standing trial for this crime is news that much of the community has an interest in and it is our job to report that news. I hope that people understand that while our personal feelings may say one thing, our duty calls us to cover this story from all sides, ugly or not.


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