Sep 21, 2007

And they're off

Here's an outtake from last night as Naselle High School held their first cross country meet in eight years. This is the start of the varisty boys race, the only race I was there to see, as NHS — the only local school competing — did not have any female runners come out for the team this year, so there is only a boys squad.
I took a quick sequence similar to this at the start of the junior high race, but from a little further back. The starter gun didn't seem that loud so I thought I'd get a little closer for the start of the varisty race — I figured about a foot behind the starter would be good. Seems it was louder than I thought as I got a good pop in my ears as I fired off 3 or 4 frames.... Worth it? Well, the buzz didn't last too long...


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