Dec 16, 2008


Last Saturday I shot my first wrestling meet of the year. I've never felt as though I ever really get good pix when it comes to this sport. To be honest, I feel a little lost at the moment as I transition from shooting a lot of football to now hoops and wrestling which are a lot different on many levels.
When I worked in Mac we would shoot a lot of swimming this time of year too, and I'd usually get some pretty cool stuff from that, but they don't have swim teams at the high schools here.... so yeah, anyway
For this assignment I concentrated more on emotive faces and was somewhat successful I think, though IMO they all kinda look the same to some extent. Funny thing is, though I liked these ones best, we didn't use any of them in the paper, as these players were not particularly successful on this occasion ... but I guess that may be obvious from the looks on their faces...

I put up a gallery with some additional pix from this that night at our new SPORTS BLOG if you feel like checking that out.


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