It's not often that I end up shooting photos on deadline for the paper, being a weekly, it's kind of an advantage. But sometimes it just works out that I have to shoot something in the hours before a section of the paper is due. Such was the case this morning as I photographed a Tai-Chi class at the Peninsula Senior Activity Center.
The story was a general update on the senior center and about how they offer various activities that you would not have found at senior centers in the past. The Tai-Chi class was a natural, but it happens at 10 am Monday mornings (the story was running in the Life section of the paper, which is printed after 2 pm Monday afternoon.
I didn't have a long time to spend there, but with the class only lasting an hour it gave added incentive to work quickly. When I saw the scene below with someone performing a Tai-Chi move near vestiges of senior centers past — and old electric organ, a card table covered in puzzle pieces, flags, etc. — I pretty much knew I had a shot that would work to help tell the story (plus it had cool light).
This freed me up to start looking for other supporting pix, including this one of Pete Hanner, as he figuratively and literally "wipes away" stress, during a serious of movements at the start of class. Pete is a very cool guy. He and his wife are in their 80s, but you certainly wouldn't know it by the way they live their lives. I'd love to do a story and them and their relationship (they've been married more than 70 years).
I made it back to the office around 11:30, and had these pix on the page an hour later.