Jul 31, 2007

Ready to Ride

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I'm pretty excited about this one. This is my first try at a multimedia show that features the three main multimedia components together in one package: video, audio and stills.
The story is about a group of young girls who race in the Pee Wee barrel racing division, as they get ready for last week's Long Beach Rodeo. I began shooting, recording and filming two weeks ago and just finished it up tonight for posting on our site tomorrow night. It is accompanied in the print edition by a multi pic spread on the cover of the Life section.
It's not super good (for some reason I can't seem to get the resolution to not go to hell over a 320x 240 size at the moment), but I think it's another good step. Ever since we really got into multimedia, this is the type of piece I wanted to be able to do. I'm really looking forward learning more about it and hopefully getting better at it. If I can get it to work at a larger res. size I'll add it later.


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